Part 1: Health is a Human Right

The challenge set before us

The fundamental issue constraining our ability to attain health for all is the lack of the people-centred approach to health.

As health, including the ability to access care, is a human right, we must move beyond the biological and pathological view of health. There are political, social, economic, scientific and cultural actions that can advance good health for all.

Good health depends on access to safe drinking water and good nutrition, adequate sanitation, education, the extent of equality and freedom in society and other underlying determinants of health.

The conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work and age have a predominant effect on the burdens of illness and the premature loss of life. It is here that nursing can have a profound effect on enabling a human rights perspective of health.

Historically, the foundation of nursing practice is caring for the health and wellbeing of individuals and communities. The philosophical basis of nursing is the people-centred approach to health.